Online Registration


Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Course Number: 244JEWS020

Dates: Su, Sa, October 12-13, 2024
Check for other dates or times

Meets: Sa & Su from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM , 2 sessions

Fee: $288.00


This class is designed to help you get really good at building basic bezels for cabochon stones. Hands-on experience will help you to perfect your settings for round, oval, square, and asymmetrical stones. You will learn best practices and soldering techniques for consistent success. We will also discuss gold bezels, oversize settings, and which tools or materials to use in different situations. As always, I will share my latest tips and tricks.

PREREQUISITE: Two Beginning Jewelry & Metalsmithing classes at Spruill or permission of the instructor. A $40 Material Fee PAYABLE TO INSTRUCTOR at workshop covers materials to complete three settings.

Registration Deadline 10/1/24
Fee: $288.00

Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Non-member$ 270.00
Optional FeeDonation$ 1.00
Mandatory FeeJewelry Lab Fee$ 18.00

Susan Saul

Photo of Susan Saul Necklace
Susan's Classes

After many years as a visual artist working in printmaking, textiles, costume jewelry and large-scale paper and mixed media, I "came home" to metalsmithing about 25 years ago. What I love, aside from the hands-on nature of the work and the opportunity to be a tool-collecting nerd, is the fact that human relationships are essential to my product. Meticulously crafted jewelry pieces contain the energy and intentions of the maker, yet are only really alive and complete when worn on the body. The materials and design features interact with the wearer producing personal, subjective sensations.

If there is any one concept that inspires and infuses my work it is the expression of the feminine face of the divine in the physical world. In my view it can only enhance the overall quality of life on earth to support and empower the feminine energies of compassion, cooperation and balance.

Susan has a BA in Fine Art from University of California, Santa Barbara. She lives in Atlanta with her husband Steven and their two cats. She has taught jewelry and metalsmithing classes and workshops since 1999 at the Spruill Center for the Arts in Dunwoody, Georgia and has also taught for Penland School of Craft, Florida Society of Goldsmiths and Idyllwild Academy for the Arts. She currently makes her jewelry magic in her one-person studio, aka "the woman cave".

You can view a sampling of her work at www.susansauldesign or on her Susan Saul Design Facebook page.

Photo of Susan Saul Ring Photo of Susan Saul Necklace

Susan's website:

Date Day Time Location
10/12/2024Saturday10 AM to 4 PM RM 209
10/13/2024Sunday10 AM to 4 PM RM 209


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