Online Registration


Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal or Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Course Number: 244YTDP055

Dates: Saturday, November 2 - December 14, 2024
Check for other dates or times

Exception Dates: No class 11/23, 11/30

Meets: Sa from 10:00 AM to 12 N , 5 sessions

Fee: $255.00

This course ended on December 14, 2024

Develop and grow your portrait and figure skills in this studio class for all levels of teen artists! You will learn the basics of drawing people and practice by drawing and painting from references and from real live models! We will explore the foundations of drawing and painting portraits and figures (such as proportions, form, and value) while drawing from life, photographs, and your own artistic imagination. New students are encouraged to join this course at any experience level, while returning students will continue to build skills and explore techniques as they progress. Students will receive individual attention in a relaxed environment that encourages creativity and experimentation. All materials and supplies are included. This class allows students to work from life with fully clothed and costumed models.
Model fees will be collected by the instructor at the first class.
Fee: $255.00

Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal or Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Non-member$ 245.00
Optional FeeDonation$ 1.00
Mandatory FeeMaterials Fee$ 10.00

Nadine Dodd

Date Day Time Location
11/02/2024Saturday10 AM to 12 N RM 214
11/09/2024Saturday10 AM to 12 N RM 214
11/16/2024Saturday10 AM to 12 N RM 214
12/07/2024Saturday10 AM to 12 N RM 214
12/14/2024Saturday10 AM to 12 N RM 214


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