Online Registration


Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal or Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Course Number: 251CEHB095

Dates: Friday, January 17 - March 21, 2025
Check for other dates or times

Meets: F from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM , 10 sessions

Fee: $300.00

More Course Info: Supply List

Sorry, this course is closed (full).

Let's experiment and play with out-of-the-ordinary techniques of hand building, raku, surface decoration and more. We'll go wherever curiosity takes us. No pre-established syllabus but hopefully fun and accomplishment will be had by all. Glazes and firing costs are included with your registration fee. See for additional details regarding supplies.

(* -Albert Einstein -)
Fee: $300.00

Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal or Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Non-member$ 235.00
Optional FeeDonation$ 1.00
Mandatory FeeCeramics Lab Fee$ 65.00

Carol Brull

Photo of Carol Brull

(770) 394-3338
Carol's Classes

Carol Brull considers herself more of a facilitator than a teacher. Her intent is to provide tools (skills and guidance) for students to create that which is already within themselves.

I have been playing in clay since early childhood (and still am).

I have been studying ceramics since 1974 (and still am).

I have been showing/selling my ceramics since 1975 (and still am).

I have been teaching ceramic classes since 1980 (and still am).

Date Day Time Location
01/17/2025Friday10 AM to 12:30 PM RM 204
01/24/2025Friday10 AM to 12:30 PM RM 204
01/31/2025Friday10 AM to 12:30 PM RM 204
02/07/2025Friday10 AM to 12:30 PM RM 204
02/14/2025Friday10 AM to 12:30 PM RM 204
02/21/2025Friday10 AM to 12:30 PM RM 204
02/28/2025Friday10 AM to 12:30 PM RM 204
03/07/2025Friday10 AM to 12:30 PM RM 204
03/14/2025Friday10 AM to 12:30 PM RM 204
03/21/2025Friday10 AM to 12:30 PM RM 204


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