Online Registration

Disney Days: Ballet Camp (ages 3-5)

Course Number: 23CSD01AD

Dates: Tu, W, Th, F, May 30 - June 2, 2023
Check for other dates or times

Meets: 9:30 AM to 12 N , 4 sessions

Fee: $132.00

This course ended on June 2, 2023

Disney Days: Ballet Camp (ages 3-5)

Explore dance through music and storytelling in this fun-filled morning camp! Lessons develop body awareness, rhythm, coordination, and confidence using engaging music, books, crafts, and games. Students will express themselves in new ways and learn how to tell stories through dance.

***Before Care and After Care are not available for this camp.***

NOTE: Spruill gift certificates, membership, and scholarships cannot be applied or used as a credit to Stage Door Theatre's camps or programs.

Please contact Grace VandeWaa for any questions regarding this camp:

Stage Door Performing Arts Academy
Camp Director
Grace VandeWaa
(770) 396-1726 EXT. 3

Fee: $132.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Fee$ 57.00
Mandatory FeeCamp Fee$ 75.00

Justin Ball

Caylyn (JV) Jarmin-Vinson

Date Day Time Location
05/30/2023Tuesday9:30 AM to 12 N Stage Door Rehearsal Room
05/31/2023Wednesday9:30 AM to 12 N Stage Door Rehearsal Room
06/01/2023Thursday9:30 AM to 12 N Stage Door Rehearsal Room
06/02/2023Friday9:30 AM to 12 N Stage Door Rehearsal Room


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