Online Registration

Superhero Summer: Acting Camp (ages 3-5)

Course Number: 23CSD01AS

Dates: Tu, W, Th, F, May 30 - June 2, 2023
Check for other dates or times

Meets: 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM , 4 sessions

Fee: $132.00

This course ended on June 2, 2023

Superhero Summer: Acting Camp (ages 3-5)

Become a storytelling Superhero! Channel your child's summer energy into entertaining acting games, craft activities and character-based performance. Students will create their own superhero character while learning the basics of acting and storytelling.

***Before Care and After Care are not available for this camp.***

NOTE: Spruill gift certificates, membership, and scholarships cannot be applied or used as a credit to Stage Door Theatre's camps or programs.

Please contact Grace VandeWaa for any questions regarding this camp:

Stage Door Performing Arts Academy
Camp Director
Grace VandeWaa
(770) 396-1726 EXT. 3

Fee: $132.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Fee$ 57.00
Mandatory FeeCamp Fee$ 75.00

Justin Ball

Caylyn (JV) Jarmin-Vinson

Date Day Time Location
05/30/2023Tuesday12:30 PM to 3 PM Stage Door Rehearsal Room
05/31/2023Wednesday12:30 PM to 3 PM Stage Door Rehearsal Room
06/01/2023Thursday12:30 PM to 3 PM Stage Door Rehearsal Room
06/02/2023Friday12:30 PM to 3 PM Stage Door Rehearsal Room


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