Online Registration


Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal or Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Course Number: 244DWAA190

Dates: Thursday, October 3 - December 5, 2024
Check for other dates or times

Exception Dates: No class 10/31

Meets: Th from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM , 8 sessions

Fee: $240.00

More Course Info: Supply List

This course ended on December 5, 2024

This class will include both drawing and watercolor instruction with the goal of exploring ways to create both expressive sketches and fully realized paintings. Students will learn the essentials of drawing with ink and pen, such as line work, texture, and shading, while working with watercolor techniques like washes, layering, and blending. The focus is on harmonizing these mediums to produce artwork that is both dynamic and visually captivating.

Beginners as well as more experienced students are welcome.
Fee: $240.00

Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal or Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Non-member$ 240.00
Optional FeeDonation$ 1.00

Lisa Guyton

Photo of Lisa Guyton
Lisa's Classes

Lisa Guyton believes that making art is inherent to being human. It is natural to make things as a child and that pleasure does not have to end with childhood. She likes the idea of demystifying the techniques of art so as to make them more accessible. As a teacher she wants to expose students to great art and to inspire them to continue to pursue their creative side.

Lisa moved to Atlanta from Connecticut in 1995. She had lived in a number of places and has southern roots. She loves the diversity of people, weather and flora in Atlanta and feels fortunate to call it home.

Lisa holds a Masters in Painting from American University. She has taught art in public and private settings for over 20 years. She has exhibited her work in Atlanta, Connecticut and Washington, D.C. and her students have won numerous awards. She maintains a studio in Chamblee where she works in a variety of media, including oil, watercolor and ink.

You can view her work at

Date Day Time Location
10/03/2024Thursday7 PM to 9 PM RM 210
10/10/2024Thursday7 PM to 9 PM RM 210
10/17/2024Thursday7 PM to 9 PM RM 210
10/24/2024Thursday7 PM to 9 PM RM 210
11/07/2024Thursday7 PM to 9 PM RM 210
11/14/2024Thursday7 PM to 9 PM RM 210
11/21/2024Thursday7 PM to 9 PM RM 214
12/05/2024Thursday7 PM to 9 PM RM 210


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