Online Registration


Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Course Number: 251PTOP065

Dates: Sunday, January 12 - February 23, 2025
Check for other dates or times

Exception Dates: No class 2/2

Meets: Su from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM , 6 sessions

Fee: $255.00

More Course Info: Supply List

Sorry, this course is closed (full).

This course ended on February 23, 2025

This class is perfect for the absolute beginner or those wishing to explore oil paints.. The only rule in is to have fun and paint with oils. On the first day, I will do a guided painting demo for beginners while intermediate students can begin working on their painting. We will paint a complete landscape together using a wet-on-wet technique. This will allow you to become familiar with the materials. Once the landscape is finished, beginners will start their personal projects.
There will be an interesting still life set up for every class or you can paint anything you want! Your subject matter should inspire you. Bring any type of reference material or paint from imagination. If you are using a photograph as a reference, please print it on paper before you come to class. The print should be color and large enough to see details. Bring masking tape to secure your photo to the easel. Also, you can use a tablet, if you don’t care that it might get messy.
Students with experience will learn how to take their painting skills to the next level and jump over obstacles that might be holding them back. Each student will work at their own pace. I can provide helpful suggestions, and answer questions along the way. It’s a relaxed vibe with no pressure.

You will:
• learn how to use oil paints and mediums
• how to create good composition
• enhance depth and contrast with the use of color
• learn how to interpret what you see
• brush stroke and pallet knife techniques
• mix colors effectively
• become inspired to make painting a full-time hobby or career

TThis is a class for artistic freedom. After you gain confidence in your painting skills, you can focus on the fun ideas!
Important information:
Do NOT plan on using your smart phone to display your reference photo. That will only make painting more difficult for you. Wear old clothes, an apron, or coveralls. Paint gets everywhere.
Fee: $255.00

Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Non-member$ 255.00
Optional FeeDonation$ 1.00

Chad Creasy

Photo of Chad Creasy
Chad's Classes

I've always enjoyed being creative. In my younger years my dream of becoming a musician crossed paths with my natural aptitude for visual art. Creating posters and album covers for the bands eventually led to an interest in painting and graphic design.

I'm a native to Atlanta, I studied painting at the Atlanta College of Art. I graduated as a Bachelor of Fine Art in 2001. My wife and I moved to New York City to pursue the glamorous lives of starving artists. It was very competitive and inspiring. We eventually moved back to Atlanta and had children. I took on a graphic artist career to support my growing family. Time for making paintings got scarce for a while.

By 2015 I began to notice I had more free time. My children were older. I needed a way to focus on the present moment and find happiness. I always express myself with creativity. My longing to return to my artistic roots prompted me to pull out my paints again. After posting my first painting on social media, it sold instantly. I haven't put down the brush since. For several years I have enjoyed a steady flow of commissions and sales. Painting has always been part of my true nature.

Oil paints are my primary medium. I paint portraits, landscapes, and I have a special focus on animals. You can take a look at my website for examples of my work,

I also have a YouTube channel Paint Good with Chad, where I host painting tutorials.

Date Day Time Location
01/12/2025Sunday2 PM to 5 PM RM 113
01/19/2025Sunday2 PM to 5 PM RM 113
01/26/2025Sunday2 PM to 5 PM RM 113
02/09/2025Sunday2 PM to 5 PM RM 113
02/16/2025Sunday2 PM to 5 PM RM 113
02/23/2025Sunday2 PM to 5 PM RM 113


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