Online Registration


There are no scheduled sessions at this time. Sign up to be notified when this course is available.

This bundle includes Before-Care and After-Care. Before-Care (8:00 am - 9:00 am) is a paid service available to parents to bridge the time between their work schedule and the start of camp programming. After-Care (3 pm - 6 pm) is a paid service available to parents to bridge the time between the end of camp programming and their work schedule. Campers will have the option to work on art projects, play games, or participate in structured play outside (weather permitting). Parents must register their camper(s) for Before-Care and After-Care when registering for camp to participate. Availability is limited. Bundle Fees: 4 Day Camp: $88 per week / 5 Day Camp: $100 per week One day fee is available. Please email the Camp Director within one day prior of needed care. Late Fees An additional fee will be added to the account. The camper will not be able to return until the fee is paid through the online portal. After 6:00pm = $5 for every 5 minutes late Camp Director:
Your Information
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