Online Registration


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Have you ever wondered how it was that our changing seasons would inspire Vivaldi's magnificent creation of his four violin concerti, "The Four Seasons''? Its beauty, majesty and sheer wonder aims to whisk us away to a land where we're able to freely marvel at the unique & amazing elements our world provides for us. In this class we'll strive to create our own Artistic Expressions responding to the wonderment found as our seasons move from one to another? Our goal is to select representational seasonal elements & using Instructor/or student supplied photos to design, create and render the portrait(s) of the moment(s) in time we find ourselves, while striving to capture the passion & desire the Seasons generate within us. During the course, students will enjoy completing multiple drawings of different objects, and have an opportunity to create seasonal elements of their own. We will explore some of the foundations of drawing such as composition, perspective, proportions, chiaroscuro/value and form. We will work together and individually in a fun environment while encouraging development of the individual's creative process. Class is open to all ages from 14 to ADULT, and there is a $30 SUPPLY FEE PAYABLE AT THE FIRST CLASS. All materials and supplies are included.
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