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According Noah Webster, Drawing, essentially a technique where an instrument is used to mark paper or another two-dimensional surface in which images are depicted on a surface by making lines, tonal areas, washes and other non-linear marks. Instruments used might be pencils, Neo Color Crayons, pens with inks, brushes with paints, or any combination, Through the projects we will work on in class, we'll examine the unique benefits each tool provides to better understand its use in both solo works and in concert with any of the myriad of others available --- And the fun part is all the while students (Beginners &/or Experienced) develop the skills they will need & use through their artistic career. Drawing is a visual art that uses an instrument to mark paper or another two-dimensional surface. The instruments varied & over time we will learn much about each of them and the magic they bring to otherwise unadorned surfaces. $30 MATERIALS FEE PAYABLE TO INSTRUCTOR AT FIRST CLASS. Past student work can be seen at my website on student gallery pages. See for a list of supplies you will need to bring to class.
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