Online Registration


There are no scheduled sessions at this time. Sign up to be notified when this course is available.

It's holiday time and you know what that means, food, food and more food. Do you have some festive platters to spread out your delicious homemade goodies (or store bought, no judgment) to elevate the mood? During this class you will learn how to make a gorgeous platter which you can bring to all of the holiday events. Not only will your food shine, but all the family will be talking about how talented you are with your creative arts as well. Sounds like great potential for a happy topic of conversation during the season if you ask me. At the beginning of class the instructor will go over a brief introduction on how to work with glass and the needed tools to create your adorable dish. This class is perfect for beginners or seasoned glass creatives. Items will be available 1 week after class due to the firing process of the glass.
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