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Learn how to paint human or pet portraits with oil paints. You don't have to know how to draw. Capture accurate likeness of your subject using carbon paper. Using the stencil is not mandatory. You can paint free hand if you prefer. It is recommended that you have basic oil painting skills. You must be able to print out your reference on standard 8.5 X 11 paper. Make sure your reference photo is clear and has good lighting. This will be used as your stencil and will be disposed of after use. Print more than one so you have a reference. When selecting a reference photo, make sure that your subject's face is large enough to fill an 8"X10" canvas with balanced negative space on the edges. An 8"X10" canvas is required. After your line drawing is applied to the canvas, we will complete the painting by building up layers during each session. The instructor will guide you through the entire process.
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