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In this 4 session class students of all levels will learn to paint portraits in oil. Working from both photographic reference and live models, students will progress from large, geometric shapes to smaller more refined details. We will begin painting alla prima and move towards a modern interpretation of classical oil painting methods. This will include creating a grisaille (monotone drawing in oil) to a finished full color painting. We will discuss mediums (paint additives), color techniques (glazing and scumbling) as well as paint application methods which include but are not limited to brush size, shape, and stiffness. If you are new to oil painting, do not be intimidated, we will break the forms down much like a still life, focusing on light, shadow and composition. This class will be taught with traditional oil paint, but water based oil paint will also work. MODEL FEES WILL BE COLLECTED BY THE INSTRUCTOR ON THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS. Fees will be based on number participants and the instructor will notify students of cost prior to class start date.