Online Registration


Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Course Number: 251GLWF050

Dates: Saturday, March 1-8, 2025
Check for other dates or times

Meets: Sa from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM , 2 sessions

Fee: $180.00

This course ended on March 8, 2025

Want to take your stained glass to another level. How about creating something that's meant for outside and a little breeze. Join me to learn how to make a stained glass spinner. You will have the opportunity to choose from 3 designs and we will make the spinner in 2 classes. These make wonderful gifts or will look great in your own garden.

This class does require that you have previous experience with doing stained glass, the copper foil and solder method.
Fee: $180.00

Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Non-member$ 145.00
Optional FeeDonation$ 1.00
Mandatory FeeMaterials Fee$ 35.00

Seonaid Whitefield

,div class= "bio"> Photo of Seonaid Whitefield
Seonaid's Classes

Seonaid has been working with stained glass over the last 13 years and working with fused glass over the last 2 years. Her passion as an artist started as a young girl. She followed that passion, receiving an art degree in visual communications. Later in life, she starred her own landscape design business specializing in hand drawn custom designs. Those two paths melded and through her landscape work, her appreciation and love for the beauty of flowers grew and is reflected in much of her glass work. She has an eagerness and desire to design, create and continue learning glass art. Seonaid has taken numerous and various stained glass and fused glass classes, and continues to grow her knowledge and hone her skills. You may have seen her at local and regional art festivals. More about Seonaid and her work is available on her website: www.dancing and you can follow her on social media.

@dancinglightglasswork on Instagram

Dancing Light Glasswork on Facebook

Date Day Time Location
03/01/2025Saturday2 PM to 5 PM RM 213
03/08/2025Saturday2 PM to 5 PM RM 213


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