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Instructor Information

Melissa Gann
Photo of Melissa Gann
Melissa's Classes

Melissa is a professional painter and art instructor with over 20 years of experience as a gallery and commissioned artist. She paints a variety of subjects in oil, from portraits to landscapes to still life, in the style of “painterly realism” which emphasizes expression over merely accurate painting. Bringing joy and enthusiasm with her to the classroom, Melissa shares the methods and secrets she learned from master painters while encouraging students forward in their own unique style.

Melissa Gann grew up in the Atlanta area. After graduating college, she spent an impromptu month in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona with artist and mentor Claudia Hartley. It was there, in the indescribable hues of the winter desert, that she first fell in love with color and learned to paint in acrylics. Her fascination with oil painting was sparked when she was captivated by a stunning portrait in oil by the master painter Scott Burdick at a local art show. She sought out Scott Burdick and Susan Lyon for instruction, and, through their generous mentoring and teaching, she became an accomplished painter. Melissa continued her studies with such masters as Dan Gerhartz, Casey Baugh, Nancy Seamons Crookston, and Marc Chatov. She is now an award-winning artist, teaching workshops and painting plein air landscapes, commissioned portraits, and more.

Melissa Gann currently lives in Chamblee, with her husband and two children.

Melissa's on-line portfolio site:

@melissagannart on Instagram
