Online Registration


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In a supportive and encouraging classroom, come gain more confidence in your work by deepening and expanding your abilities in fabrication and construction, problem-solving, creativity and personal design aesthetics through fun and focused demonstrations and one-on-one guidance. We are more independently focused, as well as have the option to participate in advanced fabrication projects, learn new techniques, and discover new materials. Group discussions will include taking our work to the next level, technical developments, the world of the jewelry artist, and design concepts. Every quarter is based on both group and individual needs, and our first class is when we meet as a group to learn and discuss our quarterly plan, projects, material options and engage as a group. Techniques, projects and demonstrations vary each quarter. FYI- Joanne is still excitingly making, working, teaching and always learning about art jewelry for 25+ years. For more info and images, please visit PREREQUISITE: Six Jewelry & Metalsmithing classes, or by permission of the instructor.
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