Online Registration


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Learn the wonderful art of plein air oil painting with Chad Creasy! This workshop is for intermediate oil painters. You need a basic understanding of oil painting materials. We will meet at a beautiful location, in nature, within 15 miles of the Spruill Center. An email that includes a map to this location will be sent out to all who register before the date. Chad will paint along with you and guide you through his unique landscape painting process. It is an educational and fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Every work shop is a unique adventure. On our first day, we will meet at the location at 10:00am. Paint until you are finished or at a reasonable stopping point. It usually lasts about four or five hours. Easels will be provided, or you can bring your own. Everything you need is on the supply list. Bring a packed lunch or snack, and plenty of water. If you like to listen to music while you paint, bring ear buds, or listen to the birds. Sunscreen or a large hat may be necessary on hot days. Also, painting gets messy. Wear old clothes, have plenty of towels, bring an apron, or coveralls. On our second Day, we will meet in room 113 at Spruill center. This class will take place at 10:00am and end at 1:00pm. During this session, we will paint our final details over the first layer. Chad will paint with you and show you his secret techniques that make paintings colorful and dynamic.
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