Online Registration


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Do you want to add a new dimension of expression and visual interest to your watercolor painting? Start with a sketchy ink drawing that will allow you to paint freely and outside the lines. This approach not only enhances your creativity but also adds a dynamic and spontaneous quality to your artwork. The workshop is for experienced watercolor artists who wish to explore the captivating combination of watercolor and ink. I will guide you through the process of integrating ink into your watercolors beginning with a sketchy ink drawing to add depth, definition, and visual interest. By the end of the workshop, you will have a better understanding of how to use ink to complement your watercolor paintings and leave you with a newfound appreciation for the harmonious blend of watercolor and ink. Bring a drink and a snack or sack lunch. We'll take a lunch break at noon. NOTE: Previous watercolor experience required to take this workshop. Supply List available on
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