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Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal or Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Course Number: 251SWWC100

Dates: Su, Sa, March 22-23, 2025
Check for other dates or times

Meets: Sa and Su from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM , 2 sessions

Fee: $350.00

More Course Info: Supply List


Painting oral forms can be a joy, but their complexity can also be disorienting. Portraying that complexity without becoming “tiresomely truthful” requires loosening our grip on reality. That can be easier said than done. Yet, we all acknowledge that loosening up can allow a bit of poetry to emerge from the end of our brush. Visual poetry is our goal!
My hope for this course is to give you some tools and strategies to help you loosen up. I always want you to paint like YOU, however, stretching ourselves can be a way to expand the range of our repertoire.
We will do some drawing and painting exercises to familiarize ourselves with our subject and reinforce concepts. I will demonstrate and share tips and tricks from over 20 years of intense study and teaching experience. I have no secrets!
Whether or not orals are your normal subject, this time together will allow us to explore dierent approaches to depicting oral forms. Hopefully you’ll come away feeling looser and equipped with some new ideas for fresher and more expressive paintings!

See for a list of supplies needed for this workshop.
Fee: $350.00

Save $20.00 with a Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal or Spruill Center for the Arts Membership - New and Renewal

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Non-member$ 350.00
Optional FeeDonation$ 1.00

Rebecca Zdybel

Photo of Rebcca Zdybel

Rebecca's Classes

Rebecca is an award winning artist and author from Myrtle Beach, SC. She has owned and operated Rebecca Z Artist Studio Gallery for the past 8 years.
As a signature member of the South Carolina Watermedia Society, she paints and teaches art in-person and via online classes. She has also hosted many guest artists for oceanfront workshops at the beach.

As a self-proclaimed "late-bloomer" she knows first hand how life enhancing the pursuit of painting can be! She loves to teach and hates to keep secrets, which means that she shares all she can, with the goal of helping her students to enhance their skills and their confidence.

In 2024, she co-authored a #1 Best selling book titled "Inspiring Women - Purpose, Passion, and Power in Professionalism".

For the past 11 years she has combined her art and love of travel to host international art/travel experiences. Her annual Eat, Paint, Love Tours will include the Cinque Terre of Italy and the beautiful Dordogne region of France in 2025.

Rebecca's artwork may be viewed and purchased @
Her YouTube Channel:
Instagram- @RebeccaZArtist
Date Day Time Location
03/22/2025Saturday10 AM to 4 PM Spruill Event Studio
03/23/2025Sunday10 AM to 4 PM Spruill Event Studio


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